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      A Law Firm for Troubled Americans

CAPITAL LAW CENTER, Robert W. Carlson & Associates, P.A. is recognized by non-profit Homeowner Advocates as one of the most trusted firms in the country for helping consumers through their Foreclosure Defense, Loan Modification, Short Sale, Bankruptcy, or Default Strategy process. With almost five years of foreclosure prevention related experience and thousands of successful modifications settled through negotiation, you can feel confident that our experienced case managers, paralegals, analysts, former underwriters, and attorneys will work diligently on your case until resolution. Our commitment is to provide you with honest and ethical advice, to help you make an informed decision regarding your loan modification needs. Our ethical standards prohibit us from accepting clients unless they have a demonstrable financial hardship, have capacity to make a modified payment, and we believe you meet the Net Present Value criteria required for to have your loan restructured.

The loan modification process can be stressful, as the result of any negotiation is uncertain. Anyone, including attorneys, who tell you otherwise or guarantees specific results, should be scrutinized carefully. To help us determine whether we believe you qualify for modification, we first gather your financial information and conduct a free financial analysis and initial consultation. Based on this preliminary information, we determine whether it is likely you will eligible for a loan modification from a financial perspective or have met the prerequisites of any government programs for assistance. We base our decision from our extensive experience in working with the various government and non-government programs participated by the various Lenders and Servicers. If we believe you do not have a case for modification, we will tell you why and what you would need to do to "fit" within the guidelines.

Despite the availability of government programs such as Making Home Affordable (HAMP), or the Trouble Asset Relief Program (TARP), your lender believes that a loan modification is a "hardship program", not a "right". As such, we are seeking voluntary concessions from your lender to handle your case at the lowest level possible. The decision to provide you financial relief rests solely in the hands of your lender, and is often predicated on the outcome of a Net Present Value analysis. Properly preparing your documents is a critical component for success during the arbitration process. CAPITAL LAW CENTER, Robert W. Carlson & Associates, P.A. provides the experience and expertise to navigate this process to significantly manage your case for success.

During his 30 years as a licensed attorney, Mr. Robert W. Carlson has negotiated and resolved disputes on behalf of consumers and businesses alike. Mr. Carlson, along with our other fine attorneys at our law firm, personally perform work on every loan modification case and prepare most every document needed to be filed for success. Our attorneys are happy to meet or speak with you at any time either before or during the course of your case at our offices. Please contact CAPITAL LAW CENTER, Robert W. Carlson & Associates, P.A. to schedule an appointment and/or free consultation.

We do not offer “Forensic Predatory Loan audits". Please be wary of anyone offering you these, specifically if not from a law office. The statute of limitations on Predatory Lending cases expire within just a few years after the loan was originated, except in rare circumstances. However, opportunities may exist to litigate and challenge the bank regarding abuses in the loan modification process. Notably, CAPITAL LAW CENTER, Robert W. Carlson & Associates, P.A. offers the official R.E.S.T. Report. The R.E.S.T. report is run on a software platform developed for lenders and servicers to determine the Net Present Value (NPV) of your loan, a critical component in achieving a loan modification. NPV determines whether your lender makes more money modifying your loan, or foreclosing on your home, and your lender will typically do what is in their best financial interest. CAPITAL LAW CENTER Robert W. Carlson & Associates, P.A. is one of only a handful of firms in the country who have access to this lender and servicer software platform. There are also numerous internal modification programs which vary by lender if you do not qualify for HAMP or TARP.

Our experience and understanding guides us through the lender barriers to success. Moreover, you are being represented by attorneys who are bound by a high level of ethics and professional responsibility to our clients. An attorney is going to get a lender’s attention to modify the mortgage loan over the homeowner directly. Almost all of our clients have tried and failed on their own to negotiate acceptable loan modification terms with their lender. In our experience, a majority of these clients failed because they do not have the underwriting or legal background to adequately analyze and negotiate their case to settlement outside of court. Despite these previous failures by our clients, CAPITAL LAW CENTER, Robert W. Carlson & Associates, P.A. is usually able to achieve a modification once we rework the case. We have worked with all of the major lenders and servicers and understand how to navigate the often complex and frustrating path to a modification. No two cases are the same. As such, our law firm cannot guarantee a specific outcome for any case. Obtaining a concession from a lender requires an experienced eye and an understanding of the qualifying conditions of every program as well as the elements in each of our client’s situation. Our attorneys and legal staff will work directly with the Legal Department, Executive Resolution, 3rd party Attorneys, or the Loss Mitigation Departments of your lender.

Act with confidence as you are dealing with highly recommended and reputable attorneys who are ethically bound to fight for your rights and who will protect your best interests. We may be able to help you prevent foreclosure, prevent Bankruptcy, settle to lower your interest rate, and lower your payments. Be sure to review some of our previous results and see how people benefited by taking a leap of faith and gave us a chance! CAPITAL LAW CENTER, Robert W. Carlson & Associates, P.A. is fully compliant with every State and Federal Law, including but not limited to the Florida Bar Association, as well as the FTC Final Rule regarding MARS service providers. We welcome all inquiries regarding our legal compliance.

Call today for a FREE consultation at 1-866-533-2533 and help us, help you!

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